Indeterminism and Uncertainty

My interest was primarily in the Metaverse at the end of 2021, but during 2022 the Metaverse hype faded a bit. Instead, I started focussing more on AI. Especially MLOps, model evaluation, text generation, and image synthesis. Initially, I wanted to create some images, but the hype took me away, and I started to create collections.

I am not new to digital art; between 2005-2012, I created some digital artworks using Photoshop, with an approach influenced by Pollock and Manet. Just for fun and recreation; same now for AI. I also experimented with generated art a bit, using genetic algorithms. Coming from the Metaverse idea, are NFTs close?

In real life, I am a Freelance Data Engineer.

Nature of Universe

My art is about the indeterministic and discrete nature of the universe, at least tries to be. Inspired by Pointillism and the philosophy of Karl Popper , as well as Pollock and Manet.

Inspired as well by the work of Roger Penrose’s and Steven Hawking’s . A world view which is - in my opinion - about the structure of the universe just above the “Planck Layer”.

To me the “Planck Layer” respectively something like the brane . The brane new world just sits a top of this “Planck Layer”. The “brane” is basically the structure of the universe (our fundamental reality).

A weird world, which is really influencing everything. From space travel to how a brain works and why it works and even risk modelling in Finance.

Literally a theory of everything.

I am not a theoretical physicist, and my math skill are not sufficient enough to dive deep into this theory. Being fascinated by this multi-dimensional world I looked for a way to explore it, and realized that art and philsophy are a way to do that.

I just tried to understand, reflect about, and explore this highly complex stuff, without being a nobel prize winner or theoretical physicist (far from it).

The brane above the “Planck Layer” (Planck Length and Time), is our reality. Our ability to see this reality in full, is limited by living in a lower dimensional world compared to the dimensionality of the universe as such.

Using NFT Platforms

Uni Matrix Zero Logo Design

“UniMatrixZ” stems from a Science Fiction series which plays in the Star Trek Universe .

It is a dream like environment where members of the so called Borg collective can meet while they are regenerating. The borg speices is a collective which assimilates other species turning them into CyBorgs.

UniMatrixZ stays for Universe Matrix Zero, it is the center of something, in this case my art. The logo represents the term “Universe Matrix Zero” with an element for each word.

Logo Explained

Technologies and Services used

Using Gemini Flash/Pro, GPT(3.5, 4, 4o), Mistral, LLAMA, Codestral, Titan G1, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Flux.1 (pro, dev, schnell), Freepik, Scenario, Replicate, Huggingface, Adobe Firefly

Cookie Consent from CookieFirst (referral)

AWS for infrastructure

Favicon created with favicon.ico

Hugo website builder

Mail Form from FormSpree

Privacy Policies generated with GetTerms (referral)

Terms and conditions generator

Using Anake Theme

Imprint created with Iubenda (referral)